Impact Score offers a simple all-inclusive subscription fee to suit the size of your agency or in-house marketing team.
What’s Included
Unlimited users.
Invite your whole team to collaborate. Everyone in the agency or across your organisaiton can have a login.
Unlimited Reports.
Create as many reports as you need. In a few clicks, you can generate custom reports in seconds.
Unlimited coverage.
Log as many pieces of coverage as you need. There’s no cap on success for you to measure.
Subscription options
$100 per month
$200+ per month
1 x month free trial
Get in touch to set up a demo.
“You can't improve what you don't measure.”
-Peter Drucker
What people are saying
“We've been using Impact Score as part of our earned media analysis for more than seven years. It ensures activity is always results-driven and based on Guide Dogs’ overarching communications objectives.”
— Charlie Spendlove, Guide Dogs Head of Marketing & Comms.
“Being able to easily understand the impact of our earned media helps demonstrate the value of our investment and public relations initiatives to all stakeholders.”
— Mardia Sakarintr, Flow Power Marketing Team Lead